Thursday, August 2, 2012

The benefits of eating spinach

From Sacred Source Nutrition:

A lot of people ask me about spinach "Is it okay to eat spinach, Isn't it high in oxalic acid?" Spinach is incredible nutritious, with many health benefits. Would I recommend eating 5 lbs of spinach a day? No, but I would recommend making it apart of the rotation of greens that you currently eat. There is some research suggesting that it's actually better to eat spinach raw, not cooked as many people happen to believe. Different people have food allergies to a wide range of foods. I would bet that there are a lot more people sensitive to peanuts than to spinach. Some people are more sensitive to oxalic acid than others, but if you mix spinach in with your greens, you won't consume enough for it to be any problem and the nutritious benefits are far outweighing the micro amounts of oxalates. This is also good practice to tune into your own body and what it is telling you when you eat spinach. Tune into how you feel after eating a spinach salad. It's really about listening to what your body is telling you, not what informational sources are telling you.

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